Where the Dirt Lurks


I entered the room to enjoy my cup of tea and relax.  The space was lovely and the warm sun was streaming through the window. 

Then I looked around.

That same light was revealing dust on every surface; a single hair from who knows what head was exposed on the wooden stairs. A dusty spider’s web graced the corner of a cabinet; a dirty footprint by the door.

I guess that is the truth about light. It exposes everything; the bright warm room with the sumptuous couch and the dust.

Where I put my attention matters.

As planned, I could simply enjoy my tea and watch the beautiful morning out the window or maybe sip while feeling annoyed with the space; or dig in with a good clean while I could still see the dust or maybe berate myself for having the dirt in the first place (and then resent my kids for not cleaning more.)

On any given day it could be one or all of the above. There is no best answer. Our reactions, responses and actions are limitless.

The choice we all make continuously - whether conscious or unconscious- is where to put our attention.

Of course the cobweb and dust were there the entire time.

Any action is like that sunlight. It reveals truths for us to see more clearly.

Attending a Born to Move fitness and movement or MELT Method class or event shines some light on our movement, body and our style of self expression

Information may be revealed. The areas you enjoy moving and feel comfortable and also some of your areas of compensation and where there is imbalance.

Happily the body work of Nia and MELT Method automatically takes care of so many bad movement patterns and habits to make you feel more ease and power in your body. We simply feel better over time and learn to pay attention to our body messages.

And it is certainly a place to discover where we put our attention. Especially for new students learning new moves.

Some of us -my hand raised here- think we need to be skilled at something right from the start. Which just holds us back and makes us less happy.

We can also learn about the place we are judgy and hard on ourselves.

The sabotaging messages we tell ourselves about our style and contribution. Exposing this dirt gives us power of choice about what to do with it. Where to put our attention.

My intention and goal for every person in the room is to realize we are there to be cheerleaders for each other.


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